07 February 2008


Does anyone know why some people lose their voices all the time and others don't? Weak vocal cords? This is something I would like to know.

Yesterday, I took my first sick day in 3.5 years of work. People really aren't kidding when they tell you there's nothing on TV during the day. And I really should have taken Tuesday instead, but I didn't realize that until lunchtime and by then, well, you're already there, so... Wednesday was a chance for more sleep and the possibility of saving my voice (it kind of worked, as I have a voice. not my voice exactly, but it could be someone's so that's better than nothing). So I was up around 11 or so, and did some laundry, which really took a lot of energy, but not a lot of time. In all honesty, I was kind of bored. It does shorten your week though, I'll give it that.

Point is, though, I actually missed something at work. Without boring everyone, I'm the contact for a a few hundred fund managers and one of 'em is upset because their fund is showing up on a site it shouldn't be showing up on. And everything kind of came to a head yesterday, which I knew because I checked my email (told you I was bored). So I kind of felt like I was missing something. Which was awesome! What a pleasure it is to have a job where it would matter, at least a little, if you fell off the planet.

Guess all you have to do is threaten to move...
And to all the people who have asked recently, no I'm not moving. Not now, anyway. Good to know you're reading though!

1 comment:

Wes said...

Well, according to the vocal instruction class I took once, the placement of sound, when you use your vocal chords can have a significant effect. If you have ever heard the terms "head voice" or "chest voice", you'll note that when you attempt to hit a high or a low note, you tend to place the sound, or make the vibrations in those general areas of your body. That being said, you can also push the sound out through your throat. If you happen to do this a lot, you will place a lot of strain on your vocal chords, and thus lose your voice. Also having a dry throat and using your voice a lot will do the trick as well. I know I used to feel a lot more vocally fatigued until I learned to minimize the amount of strain by proper voice placement.

Great to hear you aren't moving anytime soon!