24 May 2007


Hiya! More posts to come after the second weekend in a row out of town (last weekend - AWESOME mini college reunion, this weekend - baseball tournament in Baltimore, sure to be hilarious). I'm the busiest person with no job EVER.

I thought I would share with you the story of how I looked like a huge tool last night. As background information, I rarely see anyone else in my building. I often catch L. and her grumpy dog, Brutus (too good to keep anonymous) walking outside, but I'm usually quite surprised to see anyone in the stairwell. Anyway, I'm getting my laundry together last night, singing Maroon5 *very loudly*. Let's pause to mention that I really don't like Maroon5 and can't escape the general feeling that anyone who does like them and is over the age of 16...well, you might want to ask some questions. Songs are ubiquitous, though. On my way out the door, I dropped a bra, picked it up, and tossed it over my shoulder. I then opened the door, underwear draped over my shoulder, belting out 'Sunday Morning' only to find some guy literally less than one foot away - I just about hit him with the laundry basket, he was that close - holding flowers, knocking on my neighbor's door.

Me: Oh! Sorry...I...

Some Guy: Uh, hi.

Me: Hi. Uh...She's not home?

SG: Guess not.

Me: Uh, okay. Uh, good luck

As my brother pointed out, should have told him I was in a Maroon5 cover band.


Liz McKeon said...

I have "Sunday Morning" as one of my ring tones. It plays whenever Doug calls or texts me. Yes, we are still broken up. True story.

How were you on the high notes?

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! (Even though I have no idea what Maroon5 might sound like - and, now, no desire to find out.) Funny, isn't it, how the stairwells, laundry room, etc. of one's apartment building start to feel like they're not really "outside" until you run into someone and realize they most definitely are?