07 June 2007

A Whole Lot Of Nothing

I'm not really one of those people who always needs to be doing something. I can sit on the couch for the better part of a day and not feel pressure to do much of anything at all. Or I can follow the cat's lead and take a nap because I can't come up with anything better to do and not feel particularly guilty about it. Hey, sleep is an accomplishment.

It turns out, though, that having structured activities (i.e. work) the rest of the time is a big part of that free lethargy. I'm on week three of a month off between jobs and it's absolutely incredible how easy it is to do nothing. I never fancied myself much of a putterer, but I just realized that I've now spent the better part of three days doing a couple hours worth of cleaning. There were some minor breaks (I went to the gym, watched a Sox game, cat was dragged kicking and screaming to the vet), but nothing that could account for that kind of lost time. I'm simply astounded by my ability to accomplish essentially nothing. Better at home than at work, I guess.

And now it's after midnight and I'm planning to count this (totally lame) post as an accomplishment on yesterday's list AND today's.


Anonymous said...

Yay for puttering! It's my favorite thing to do and during my time off, I became an expert. I am insulted daily when I can't spend my time doing nothing. Enjoy it and congratulations on the job.

pranabk said...

Had been reading this space quite off and on. Don't remember how I landed here. But I think I like the way you put things. And this one was absolutely fabulous.