28 September 2006

Welcome To The Jungle

I stop by a party, dressed very casually, having just spent an hour moving boxes. I find that, as usual, the girls are in tight dresses totally inappropriate for the weather (and everything else, save for attracting disgusting little boys in men's bodies whose dumb-as-a-rock-but reasonably-hot girlfriends will soon become their dumb-as-a-rock-and-increasingly-less-hot wives and proceed to raise daughters who will have the best time of their lives in high school) and the guys are in dirty jeans and t-shirts they obviously pulled off the floor. Anyone else see a problem with this picture? Starts to feel like one step forward, two steps back.

Anyway though, I’m wearing those Teva sandals that have one extra ‘X’ in addition to the normal flip flop configuration. I finally get dragged into a drinking game, which comes as a welcome distraction from my previous effort to avoid either strangling or vomiting all over every other female in the room, and what does my lovely partner do? She looks down at my feet like they have grown a layer of fungus and practically spits out, “Wow. Those are some intense shoes.”

Thanks honey, way to stick together. I know you and the other trixies are all wearing the same 4-inch spike heels, and that’s great if your one ambition in life is to get one of these little boys here to sleep with you and then treat you like one of the other ninety or so girls he’s slept with, but I apparently didn’t get the memo. The fact that I’m carrying you in this game of beer pong (no, I haven't played much before, I just happen to be coordinated from nearly TWENTY YEARS of sports, but you wouldn't know-you've never asked) will have to be enough to prove my worth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written and so on the money. (And, no, I'm not saying that because I couldn't agree more or because I often have the 52-year-old equivalent of the same exact thoughts in my head or even because I'm incredibly proud to have raised such an awesome daughter). When, when, when will we women learn to respect ourselves, to respect each other and to stop measuring as if everything is a contest we'll lose if we don't win, not to mention a zero sum game??