07 July 2006

Hot Rod

Date went well, I'd say. The guy has a sense of humor, seems to be an adventurous eater, and cares about public education--I think I'll see him again.

On the way home a little before 10 (school night after all), I'm stopped at a red light going north on Western Ave., and a big 'ol beater slowly pulls alongside me and slightly past. The movement catches my eye and I turn my head and see the driver, average looking and maybe about 25, all-out staring at me. Head over his shoulder out the window and everything. Now, this has happened before--men are not subtle and I no longer look like jailbait. But when he sees me catch him, he doesn't look away! Instead, he maintains eye contact and gives me that cocky little head incline that all guys seem to have in their repetoire. For some reason, this really throws me off of my whole 'you're a perv' eye roll and before I know it, I'm grinning at him. Not a smile, mind you, this is a grin. I may have actually giggled.

The light changes and he speeds off. Perhaps not surprisingly considering the condition of his car, he drives like a maniac. Stopped again under the tunnel just south of North Ave, I know I've caught him (see kids, driving quickly really doesn't save you any time) and I can't help but sneak a peek. He's got his head out the window again, onlly this time, he's holding up his open phone. Fun is fun, but I don't really know about a guy who picks up girls while driving like a bat out of hell on Western Ave. I awkwardly pretend not to see him.

So all's well that ends...the same, I guess. But I'm still grinning about it and I'm not quite sure what to make of it. Do I need someone unpredictable? More forward? (Before you ask, no the date didn't kiss me, though I knew he wanted to) Does every girl once in a while need to know that she's a choice cut of meat? (why do I suddenly feel like a traitor to women?) Thoughts from the four people who read this?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, no, it's not a matter of feeling like a choice cut of meat (ugh). It's about being appreciated. The way guys appreciate isn't that hard to mistake for feeling like a toothsome sirloin steak, but I insist that it's not the objectification we like and respond to, it's the appreciation, the notice, the attention. Regardless of the source, too (older men in casinos, for example - icky, but still somehow gratifying).