13 July 2006

Official Good Deed Day

1. I donated blood today. I'd pat myself heartily on the back except it has been nearly two years since the last time I did it, so maybe not so hearty of a pat. For the first time ever though, I felt seriously lightheaded. Tunnel vision, sweating, nauseous and everything. I know that's totally normal, but I think I honestly used to pride myself on my ability to give blood (and even watch them stick the needle in) without so much as blinking. Still, ice packs saved the day, I got my lovely Cran-Raspberry Drink (Dear Lifesource: bring back the clearly superior Cran-Grape!), and even got a free test for the West Nile Virus. So all's well that ends well I guess. If you can handle the needles and aren't from Africa, find a center and go do it. I hate to be morbid, but we're all one unlucky coincidence away from needing it.

2. If you haven't seen 'An Incovenient Truth' (yes, the Al Gore movie), please do that as soon as possible. As a public education/healthcare freak, the environment has never really been one of my pet causes. I think because I thought that it wasn't really an immediate problem. Turns out, that's exactly what they want you to think. It's not a conspiracy theory, it's a conspiracy. To make a long story short, environmental degradation is an acute problem that we have the tools, but unfortunately not the political will, to solve. Get that political will. See the movie and go to www.climatecrisis.net

You can make a difference for yourself, your children, and your grandchildren, even where your country won't. Whew. Better go to bed before I vote for Al Gore for president.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you spend the two days before you give blood drinking water like it's your job, the process is much less ... dramatic. As someone with preemie veins and impressively low blood pressure (if I do say so myself), a couple of Nalgenes is the difference between walking out under my own power and ending up in the upside-down chair while people gawk and point.